Your Pet’s Skin: Window to Their Health

Your Pet’s Skin: Window to Their Health

Their skin is often as sensitive as ours. Underneath their coat of hair, our dogs and cats have a protective layer of skin, which can be as sensitive as our own. Many internal diseases and health problems present early symptoms through our pet’s skin, such as: Food or environmental allergies Parasites: ticks, fleas, mites Bacterial infections Fungal infections Endocrine disease Auto-immune issues Hormone-related skin problems, hypothyroidism, scabies, genetics, poor nutrition, and lack of grooming eventually

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Pet Diabetes: What You Need To Know

Pet Diabetes: What You Need To Know

What You Need to Know About Pet Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that develops when the insulin produced by the body isn’t enough to regulate blood sugar levels. About 10% of all dogs that reach 12 years of age will develop diabetes. It occurs less commonly in cats but is just as serious when it does. Certain breeds are more susceptible to the diabetes than others, including Siamese cats, Toy Poodles, Terriers, Cocker Spaniels

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Silent Suffering: Pain Care When Our Pets Hurt

Silent Suffering: Pain Care When Our Pets Hurt
Pets can’t tell us when they hurt or why. Therefore, pain often goes undetected, and underlying medical conditions, untreated. A pet that "bunny hops" up a flight of stairs may seem cute, but may also be suffering pain due to osteoarthritis in the back or hips, hip dysplasia, or painful knees. When a cat holds an ear down or sideways, it could indicate a painful ear infection. Cats going to the litter box more frequentlyRead more

Hidden Realities of Pet Obesity

Hidden Realities of Pet Obesity

The Prevalence of Pet Obesity and It’s Inherent Risks Pet obesity is on the rise, and Woodlawn Animal Hospital is in the fight to stop it before it starts. Current rates of 52% in dogs, 58% in cats, reflect increases in both categories over 5 years. The extra bulk is impacting pets’ health and longevity. Studies show even a few pounds of excess weight puts pets at higher risk for osteoarthritis, joint pain, cancer, diabetes,

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Summer Safety Tips for Pets

Summer Safety Tips for Pets

Did you know that when we’re hot, it’s even worse for pets? Here’s a quick review of summer safety tips for your pets from Woodlawn Animal Hospital. Summer Safety Can Be Critical Noticing the signs of heat stroke can be the difference between life and death. If you notice any one of these symptoms, take your pet to an emergency care center. Excessive panting Abnormal drooling Vomiting Unsteady gait Abnormal gum and tongue color Elevated

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