Pain is probably one of the most unrecognized (by owners) and therefore, under treated illnesses in pets. Pain can be extremely debilitating and detrimental to a pet’s quality of life. Animals can be stoic, even when in pain showing no typical or overt clinical signs. Owners will often mis-read behaviors their pets are exhibiting. Not understanding that these behaviors are in direct response to the pain they are experiencing. Pet Pain Can Be Hard to
Read more →What to Expect in therapy K-Laser Therapy at Woodlawn K-laser can be beneficial as a non-invasive pain management solution for chronic pain due to arthritis, sprains, strains and other joint mobility problems instead of oral medications. It can also significantly reduce healing time by strengthening injured tissue and supporting normal tissue for less scar formation during healing. For faster recovery, we include K-Laser therapy in treatment of bone and muscle injuries. We also recommend it
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